Highlands Firemen of 1900
John P. King © November 1, 2001
This list of names was compiled from the lists of Exempt Firemen (originally filed with the Monmouth County Clerk and now available in the Monmouth County Archives) on which were indicated both the year of Exemption and the year of joining the company.
Armstrong, William S.
Brown, Harry A.
Burdge, John J.
Burdge, Mahlon
Conklin, William A.
Cottrell, William R.
Creighton, Bernard
Duncan, Edward
Derby, Thomas A.
Derby, Alonzo
Foster, Samuel T.
Foster, Carmen B.
Foster, John H.
Fritts, Addison L.
Hennessey, William
Hildreth, Harry
Hartsgrove, William
Johnson, Frederick E.
Johnson, John T.
Johnson, Ulysses G.
Lawrence, Jesse, jr.
Layton, John E.
Layton, Joseph V.
Liming, George E.
Liming, Howard
Liming, Job G.
McGarry, James W.
McGarry, John F.
Maison, Charles T.
Matthews, John H.
Maxson, Walter
Miller, David M.
Mount, Isaac
Mount, Richard
Newman, Everett
Newman, Willian F.
Parker, Abram J.
Parker, Calvin
Parker, Charles T.
Parker, George W.
Parker, Lewis F.
Parker, Reuben
Parker, Ruben, Jr.
Parker, William E.
Parker, William F.
Peterson, Charles M.
Reid, Allen R.
Robertson, John L.
Robertson, William H.
Rogers, Peter
Rosenblum, Bendet
Savage, Robert E.
Smith, Charles J.
Smith, George E.
Smith, Samuel
Taylor, James
Thompson, George
Tilman, George
Steelman, William
Wilson, Samuel
Woodleton, Thomas
Wright, Stephen J.