HBP Awards and Grants
The Highlands Business Partnership has been named among the 2001 Downtown New Jersey Best of the Best by Downtown New Jersey Inc., an organization established to act as a business advocate for the states downtown commercial districts.
Highlands was recognized by the Somerville-based association in the category of Destination Marketing. The non-profit Highlands Business Partnership (HBP) and its public relations firm, Allen Consulting Inc., Holmdel, collaborated on the entry, which outlined festivals, promotions and special events in Highlands and collateral sponsorship marketing and publicity material produced by the HBP in collaboration with Allen Consulting.
business improvement districts, economic development and redevelopment
groups, Main Street organizations and communities, architects and consultants
are eligible to enter. The associations Excellence Awards annually
recognize the best ideas or studies for planning, programming and marketing
activities that relate to downtown revitalization in New Jersey.
Downtown New Jerseys mission is to provide information on educational, professional and legislative matters that impact the success of downtown districts. The organization will honor Best of the Best award winners at a ceremony in January in Hoboken and will publish the winning entries in its Downtown Tool Kit for distribution to members.
The HBPs vice-president, Carla Cefalo-Braswell, said she and fellow HBP members were excited about the award. For a long time, Highlands was a well-kept secret, said Cefalo-Braswell. Events such as Clamfest and Otoberfest and activities like the farmers market, cruise nights and crafts shows draw crowds from all over who get to have a good time while they discover or rediscover what a fine little downtown community we are, she said. Weve got it all great restaurants and shops, the waterfront, and some of the best views around.